Breast Reconstruction
Read the following text and complete the activity which follows.
Listen to the audio of the text to help you.
Before you start, review
areola pigmented area around the nipple
mastectomy removal of the breast (masto- breast + -ectomy removal of)
device piece of equipment
implant device placed into the body
saline sodium chloride or salt water
tattoo pigmented shading of the skin
What is breast reconstruction?
Breast reconstruction is a type of plastic surgery used for women who have had a mastectomy. The surgery rebuilds the breast mound so that it is about the same size and shape as it was before.
Operations for breast reconstruction may use one of the following techniques:
1. breast implants: saline or silicone breast implants are inserted in the space created when breast tissue is removed during the mastectomy.
2. tissue flaps: a section of skin, fat and muscle is grafted from another part of the body to fashion a breast mound.
3. tissue expanders: a balloon-like device is inserted under the skin and chest muscle. Saline is injected into the device at regular intervals to fill the expander until enough skin has stretched over the breast area. A second operation will exchange the expander with a permanent implant.
After initial breast reconstruction, a nipple and areola can also be added using a nipple graft or tissue transplant and tattooing to match the colour of the opposite areola. Some women, however, prefer to just have nipple tattooing rather than further surgery.
The text was taken from: -
Activity: Match the terms on the left with their correct meanings on the right.
Activity: The TRAM (trans–rectus abdominis muscle) procedure. Place the letter next to the correct description. The first one is done for you.
Before you start, review
trans- across
rectus straight
abdominis abdomen or tummy
navel belly button